Excel file of FY15 Enacted and FY16 Level A data

URL: http://data.treasury.ri.gov/dataset/9e39bfb2-4bed-4773-9116-9455c495c52f/resource/b854a3da-f17f-4e20-be53-0fc74d3812af/download/ORIG-067-BUDGET-FILE-OF-ENACTED-FY15-AND-TARGETS-FY16.xls

Issued from the budget office in September and utilized to review the current fiscal year's enacted budget for revisions, and the targets set by the budget office for the following fiscal year's submission.


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Last updated May 15, 2015
Created May 15, 2015
Format XLS
License Other (Public Domain)
createdover 9 years ago
datastore active1
has views1
on same domain1
package id9e39bfb2-4bed-4773-9116-9455c495c52f
revision id21174530-5de2-4643-ba6e-113f1b4ef0a7
url typeupload